WinMed HIS

Intermed Systems Inc.

Accounts Payable

Vendor Inquiry

   Vendor Inquiry  Vendor Inquiry


Accounts Payable vendor inquiry displays all vendors. Vendor information is displayed with date of last purchase and current balance due. The detail view of the vendor transactions displays each transaction with invoice number, date, type, due date, gross amount, new amount and status.


Invoice Management

   Invoice Entry  Payment Processing


Invoices entry and invoice payment processing provides input of invoice information by vendor. There can be multi distribution of the invoice to general ledger accounts. The payment of invoices can be done by vendor with several options on payment selections.


Check Management

   Check Mainenance  History Checks

Check Maintenance

Check reconciliation can be done selectively by bank, check source, check type or all checks. This process aids in bank reconciliation. After checks have been cleared, they can be archived to a history database. The history database has inquiry and printing of the reconciliation selectively.